
Sitting by the campfire, or snuggling together by the fireplace; you recognize it. But did you know that it damages your health? Particulate matter is produced. An hour of this coziness has the same effect as smoking 25 packs of cigarettes. Particulate matter is very small particles, with a maximum size of one-sixth the thickness of a hair. But these particles differ not only in size, but also in origin and chemical composition. For example, molecules of nitrogen, ammonia and ozone can stick together to form particulate matter. This particulate matter enters your lungs through your nose, but can even enter your bloodstream through your lungs. The smaller the particle, the deeper it gets into your lungs and the more harmful it is, especially when combined with lung disease. This is why Aerocount developed the particulates meter. Particulate matter can be measured by shining light on a stream of air. The particulates block the light, and the more light is blocked, the more particles there are. With this technique, Aerocount no insight into your air quality, both indoors and outdoors. Do you know what you are breathing?


Particulates are very small particles in the air, with a maximum size of one-sixth the thickness of a hair. These particles enter your lungs through your nose. The smaller the particle, the deeper it gets into the lungs and the more harmful it is, especially in combination with lung disease. Aerocount developed a way to measure the amount of particulate matter in the air.

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