
Imagine, 1.5 million tons of sewage sludge. That’s more or less what we produce per year in the Netherlands. That's a queue of trucks from Amsterdam to Berlin. Sewage sludge is what remains from sewage treatment. It's a dirty, wet mess that consists mostly of water. We now bring this to a waste incinerator. Nothing useful, but we have to pay heavily for it. But, it also contains useful substances. You can extract those useful substances with the Torwash process. Torwash is a kind of super pressure cooker. With it, you change the chemistry of the sludge and that makes it easy to squeeze out the water. You then get a dry press cake and from that you get these kinds of granules. You can use those pellets for green chemistry, or you can use them to generate energy, completely CO2 neutral. The press water contains substances that are useful for agriculture. You think it can't be done, but come and see when we get it done. Then you'll see how we turn the filthy stuff that we as humans produce ourselves into only useful and circular substances in the end. Who would have thought that your toilet would eventually become part of green chemistry?

Jan Pels

We don't do anything useful with sewage sludge now, even though it contains useful substances. Torwash developed a process to convert the sludge into granules that can be used for green chemistry.

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