
Energy is one of the pressing issues that we are facing today. Because right now, our energy really comes from burning fossil fuels. And even if we have plenty of it, when you burn it, you generate carbon dioxide. So we need to find alternative sources of clean, renewable energy. Solar energy is one of the very attractive options. Right now, solar state lighting constitutes about 19 to 20 percent of our global power. Right now we are using incandescent lighting, like the tungsten lamp and so on, which are highly energy inefficient, because most of the energy is lost as heat. So, if we can make use of more energy efficient processes, it also helps to save energy. We are very much interested in organic light emitting diodes, OLED. If we are able to tune the color to be the three primary colors: red, green and blue, we will be able to mix it to give you white light for solar state lighting. Alternatively, with these three primary colors, you can also make a full color display, for mobile phones, monitors, tvs. And again, these are very energy efficient processes. In a way, we are saving energy, making full use of our energy in a more efficient manner. In this way, we hope we are able to help save the planet.

University of Hong Kong

Right now we are using incandescent lighting, like the tungsten lamp and so on, which are highly energy inefficient, because most of the energy is lost as heat. We are therefore very much interested in organic light emitting diodes, OLEDs. Vivian Yam talks about her research towards this topic.

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