
Can we use our building materials to cooperate with nature? Yes, and in several ways.
In greenhouses and horticulture, for example, it is useful to be able to stick plant material to the walls or ceiling. This increases the capacity per square meter.

We are working on a bioplastic with an adhesive effect to which plant material such as vegetables and fruit can bind.
This bioplastic has the same properties as the plastics you already know, but does not come from fossil sources.
Less use of potting soil and higher capacity in greenhouses are essential to meet the demand for good and healthy food in the world.
Compostability and reuse are important, because plastic that we know today does not break down at all in nature. In this way we work together with nature and the circle is complete.

Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen

Johan Visser is working on a bioplastic with an adhesive effect to which plant material such as fruit and vegetables can bind. You can use this to stick plants to the walls or ceiling of a greenhouse, thus increasing the capacity in greenhouses.

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